The new museum will connect Dvořák's music with the genius loci of his birthplace. With an informative exhibition of historical objects and creative displays, the future museum will explore the sights and sounds of Dvořák’s rural childhood, enhanced by interactive, audio-visual technology. This immersive experience will give visitors of all ages and backgrounds insight into Dvořák’s extraordinary journey from humble origins in Nelahozeves to world-famous composer.
Award-winning U.K. architects Wright & Wright have created a world-class master plan design for the renovation of the house. Ralph Appelbaum Associates, one of the world’s leading museum exhibition design firms, will create a 21st-century immersive and interactive experience for visitors. Engaging multimedia content will add to the authentic atmosphere of the house and will allow visitors to discover the story of Dvořák’s early years. Part of the project team has been working on in-depth historical research, including visiting local archives and museums and consulting with specialists on 19th-century Bohemian practices. Our team is also developing the exhibition’s narrative structure, exploring themes and strategies for interpretation and storytelling.